The steps below are only for BigCommerce users. Pixelpop does not require manual install steps on Shopify. Click here for more information on installing apps on Shopify.
BigCommerce recently made changes to how footer scripts are installed for third-party apps like Pixelpop. We're working to reflect these changes in our Script Installation Guide, but for now, use the up-to-date steps outlined below to install Pixelpop in your BigCommerce shop.
Click here to add Pixelpop to your BigCommerce shop.
Step 1: Open the Script Installation Guide
On Pixelpop's support page in the app, click here to open the Script Installation Guide:
Step 2: Locate your footer script
Find your unique footer script at the top of the Script Installation Guide and copy it to your clipboard.
The other steps in the Script Installation Guide are currently out of date. For up-to-date instructions, keep following along with the steps on this page.
Step 3: Create script
Go to the Storefront tab in your BigCommerce admin. In the Script Manager, click Create a Script. Fill out the first few fields as shown here:
After entering that information, scroll down and fill out the rest of the fields as shown here then paste your footer script in the Scripts content box:
Click Save to save your footer script.