Originally designed as an easy alternative to HTML, Markdown is a useful tool for adding richer formatting and styles to plain text. Pixelpop doesn't support every Markdown element, but it does support the most common styles and can be used to add links to your popups, customize spacing and line breaks, add bold or italicized text, and create strike-throughs.
Below, find instructions on using basic Markdown elements with your popup content.
Markdown elements
Bold text with two underscores or asterisks:
**bold text** OR __bold text__
Italicize text with one underscore or asterisk:
_italicized text_ OR *italicized text*
Strikethrough text with two tildes:
~~strikethrough text~~
Add links with brackets and parentheses:
[link text](http://website.com)
Add break lines or spaces the way you would in any text document—just hit Enter or Return on your keyboard.