The Advanced Analytics dashboard is available on the Premium plan. Click here to learn more about pricing and plans.
With Advanced Analytics, you can get insights into your wholesale order data including total order value, total sales, total orders, AOV, and total sales/orders by customer tag.
To get started, navigate to the Advanced Analytics dashboard from the sidebar or from the homepage analytics summary. The homepage analytics summary is available on all plans and shows a summary of order data from the last 30 days.
In the Advanced Analytics dashboard, use the Date filter in the top left to define a date range. By default, the dashboard will display data from the last 30 days. Wholesale Hub has order data going back to October 16, 2024, so it's possible to see data from before that date. As more and more orders come in over time, you'll have access to more and more data.
New order data may take up to 24 hours to appear in your analytics.