Alliance Pro is a brand new app developed and built by Orbit, and we're thrilled to finally share it with you. Anything missing? Anything you're looking to accomplish we're not doing yet? Help us shape this new app and request new features here.
From the Members page, you can view your active, suspended, and expired members. Click on any member to see their information and make edits to their membership status.
To update their membership status, click Actions. Click Update to change their member group or adjust their start and end date. When a member reaches their end date, they'll automatically receive an email notifying them to apply to renew their membership.
Click Deactivate to suspend the membership.
Importing members
You can import existing member lists if you have members stored in a third-party app or spreadsheet. Click here to learn how to import members into Alliance Pro.
To add a member manually
- Click add member button
- Complete the form and click save
Email notifications
- If a customer with an existing Shopify account gets manually added, they will receive the membership invited email but no activation url.
- If a person does not have an account, they will receive the membership invited email with an activation url.